Complete Guide to Permanent Residence Applications in Cyprus

Efstathios K. Efstathiou > Articles  > Complete Guide to Permanent Residence Applications in Cyprus

Complete Guide to Permanent Residence Applications in Cyprus


Cyprus, known for its desirable lifestyle, Mediterranean climate, and thriving business environment, attracts individuals seeking permanent residency in a welcoming and prosperous country. This article serves as a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the process of Permanent Residence Applications in Cyprus.

  1. Permanent Residence Permit Categories:
    Cyprus offers several pathways to obtain permanent residency. Understanding the available categories can help determine the most suitable option for your circumstances:
    a) Category F: This category is designed for individuals who wish to retire in Cyprus. Applicants must meet specific financial criteria and demonstrate a stable annual income from sources outside Cyprus.
    b) Category 6(2): Individuals who have acquired and own real estate in Cyprus can apply under this category. The value of the property must meet the minimum threshold set by the Cyprus government.
    c) Category 6(2) and Category 6(4): This category caters to high-net-worth individuals. It requires significant investments in real estate, businesses, or government bonds, depending on the chosen subcategory.
  2. Eligibility Criteria:
    To qualify for permanent residence in Cyprus, applicants must meet certain criteria:
    a) Clean Criminal Record: Applicants must have a clean criminal record and provide the necessary background checks from their home country.
    b) Health Insurance: Proof of comprehensive health insurance coverage in Cyprus is mandatory.
    c) Financial Stability: Depending on the category, applicants must demonstrate sufficient funds to support themselves and their dependents without recourse to public funds.
    d) Consistency of Stay: Applicants must maintain a regular and stable presence in Cyprus, complying with the minimum stay requirements.
  3. Application Process:
    The process for applying for permanent residence in Cyprus typically involves the following steps:
    a) Gather Documentation: Collect the required documents, such as a valid passport, birth certificate, marriage certificate (if applicable), proof of income, property ownership documents, and health insurance.
    b) Submission: Submit the application, along with the supporting documents, to the Civil Registry and Migration Department in Cyprus.
    c) Application Review: The immigration authorities will review the application and may request additional information or conduct interviews if necessary.
    d) Decision and Residence Permit Issuance: If the application is approved, a permanent residence card will be issued, providing legal status to reside in Cyprus indefinitely.
  4. Rights and Benefits:
    Obtaining permanent residence in Cyprus comes with several rights and benefits, including:
    a) Free Movement: Permanent residents can freely travel within the European Union (EU) Schengen Zone.
    b) Work and Business Opportunities: Permanent residents have the right to work or establish businesses in Cyprus.
    c) Education and Healthcare: Permanent residents have access to Cyprus’ high-quality education and healthcare systems.
    d) Social Welfare: Permanent residents are entitled to certain social welfare benefits offered by the state.



Applying for permanent residence in Cyprus provides individuals with an excellent opportunity to enjoy the country’s many benefits and establish a long-term presence. By understanding the different permanent residence permit categories, meeting the eligibility criteria, and following the application process diligently, you can navigate the path to permanent residency in Cyprus successfully. It may be beneficial to engage the services of immigration professionals or consult relevant authorities for personalized guidance throughout this significant life transition.

You can get in touch with our team of Immigration Law Services in Cyprus for more information.